As I look back on the life that I have lived, I would like to be remembered as a voice—a voice that focused on the authority of the Bible, the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the wonder of his substitutionary sacrifice and atonement for our sins.
I would like to be remembered as a voice calling Christian people to holiness and challenging lapses in Christian moral standards.
I should like to be remembered as someone who was always courteous in controversy, but without compromise.
I ask you to thank God with me for the way that he has led me, and I wish, hope, pray that you will enjoy the same clear leading from him—and the same help in doing the tasks that he sets you—that I have enjoyed.
And if your joy matches my joy as we continue in our Christian lives, well . . . you will be blessed indeed.
"I would like to be remembered as..."
この as の後に何が来るかに
繰り返し 自問しつつ歩むなら
生き方や 個々の選択も違ってくるでしょうね